Thursday, March 27, 2008


My current work, I believe, is a confluence of my lifelong involvement with works on paper, the development of imagery and a more methodical approach to underlying ideas.

The imagery is generated from various sources such as life studies, newspaper photos or fables and fairy tales. After satisfactory preliminary drawings are completed the image is transferred to a sheet of paper, generally of my own making. The sheets may be simply colored, embellished with imbedding or double couched during the papermaking process with partial imagery.

The final rendering of the image is in ink, gouache, watercolor or a combination of mediums.

Influences range from Renaissance Master Drawings to comic book line art illustrations.

The subject matter of dogs and other creatures and the stories they tell are an important aspect of my work. My goal is to express humor and sentiment as well as add an element of kitsch. I believe that the deeper level of my work is revealed in the obsessive nature of the lines and marks made. Those notations are an outlet for my inner thoughts, anxieties and other emotional and spiritual states of mind.